1. Take action for RENT CONTROL!
Click here to send a message to your own State Rep and State Senator urging them to co-sponsor rent control.
And/or Call Senator Brendon Crighton:
Dial 617-722-1350
Example message:
Hello, I have a message for Senator Crighton. My name is [your full name] and I live at [your address]. Our city needs rent control. [...] I want you to co-sponsor bill SD.1084 so our city can make a law to prevent unfair rent increases. Thank you.
2. Spread the word on social media
Like and share our message about rent control on social media.
Click here for Facebook
Click here for Instagram
3. Rally photos and info to share
On Tuesday, Feb 11 people of all backgrounds from Lynn and beyond came together to speak up for immigrant rights. We said NO to division, NO to scapegoating, and NO to Trump's anti-immigrant hate. We'll keep working with our allies to defend our community and defend democracy!
click/tap image to view at full size
click/tap image to view at full size
click/tap image to view at full size
Please check out these photos and then like and share the posts -- help spread the word that our immigrant neighbors are not alone!
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1EHjRosLvJ/
Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/DGB9VBpxjnk/
Share immigrant rights information:
Everyone should learn more about constitutional rights and what to do if confronted by ICE. Go to www.lynnunited.org/immigrantrights to learn more, then and pass it on.
Spread the word: tenants have rights!
Pass on this flyer and tell people to call Lynn United for Change for help.
click image for full size flyer
Recent news: Victory! Lynn passes a strong tenant rights notification law
Thank you to all the Lynn United for Change members and participants who joined with allies to push for changes to make the Housing Stability ordinance a better and more effective law.
Click here to read the news report.