Letter to the Editor supporting the Community Housing Plan (Oct 2022)

image of letter as included in print version of newspaper


To the editor:

Lynn residents are facing a housing crisis. Rent and home prices are skyrocketing, and COVID-19 has made the situation worse. This crisis is pushing work- ing class and low-income members of our community out of the city, destabilizing neighborhoods, and rein- forcing economic injustice and racial inequality.
Housing instability is the most urgent concern among residents who have been hit hardest by the pandemic. And housing is deeply connected to other issues like disparities in health and education.

We urge the mayor and City Council to make housing the number-one priority for spending remaining federal ARPA dollars and to fund the Community Housing Plan developed by Essex County Community Organization, Lynn United for Change, and Neighbor to Neighbor. The Plan was created with leadership from people impacted by the housing crisis and in consultation with local housing experts.

The city has received more than $75 million in ARPA funds. The Community Housing Plan proposes using a significant part of this to prevent displacement, improve living conditions, and create and pre- serve quality affordable homes. The decision on whether to put a majority of the remaining ARPA funds into affordable housing is a real test of our city’s commitment to equity and fairness.

Ivette Martinez, Housing Production Plan Steering Committee*
Jeff Crosby, Housing Production Plan Steering Committee*
Laura Gallant, Housing Production Plan Steering Committee*
Nicole McClain, North Shore Juneteenth Association
Pastor Eduardo Caceres, Iglesia de Dios de la Profecia Inc
Stephanie Rana, Lynn Area Director, JRI*
Jonathon Feinberg, Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board*
Justin Anshewitz
Lynn Pam Edwards, Director of Organizing, Mass Senior Action Council
Tish Mukala, President, New Lynn Coalition
Jean Hamburg, LICSW, Casa Mariposa
Bridget Miller, Lynn Rapid Response Network
Kathleen Santora, IUPAT DC35*

* Affiliation listed for identification purposes only